Tuesday, September 16, 2008

how did we miss carl craig?

in all of our mid-to-late 90s dance fetishizing, we managed to overlook one of the finest electronic records ever made: carl craig's more songs about food and revolutionary art. it was released in 1997, so it's contemporaneous with orblivion and homework. it's sort of a strange amalgam of ambient-house, jazz (but not even a little in a chees or acid-jazz way), and berlin-style coldness.

also check out programmed under craig's innerzone orchestra alias and his recent detroit experiment album.


Joel Tonyan said...
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Joel Tonyan said...

oops... accidentally deleted my comment. here it is a second time.

I recall reading about this record in Urb magazine when it first came out. I think it was in the same issue as a Dr. Octagon-era Kool Keith interview, in which he gets paged repeatedly regarding the escort service he ran on the side... and admits he blew his ten grand advance for Dr. Octagon on porn.

Joel Tonyan said...

oh, and jake, have you noticed all the flac on demonoid? on the subject of late-90's electronica, someone's currently upping all the orb albums.