Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fayetteville Potheads FTW

As much as there is to bitch about the backwoods mentality of Arkansas, the city of Fayetteville actually passed -- 2:1 -- an initiative that makes adult marijuana offenses (less than an ounce, intended for personal use) the lowest law enforcement priority. Lowest priority initiatives have already passed in six California cities (Oakland, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Monica, West Hollywood), Seattle, Denver, Columbia, Missouri; Hailey, Idaho; and Missoula County, Montana.

The question is will Fayetteville police actually abide by the initiative? The police chief says no, stating that city laws do not supersede state laws. BUT it is a good first step -- especially in a college town where getting caught with a small amount of marijuana can destroy your chances of receiving any kind of financial aid including student loans and in a state where two offenses is an automatic felony.

1 comment:

davej said...

that's excellent. Michigan passed medical marijuana, too.

i imagine they're downplaying the policy. i've heard second-hand (and would tend to believe) that cops here are under unofficial orders to consider someone smoking in their homes or vehicles below their radar. but they can't say that out loud for the same reasons as your chief.