Tuesday, November 4, 2008

i, for one, will welcome our gay muslim black marxist overlords

who's drinking?


kyleen said...

cheers to a new time.

Patrick said...

I raise my tumbler of Beam and salute our new Commander-in-chief!

Joel Tonyan said...

now (well january, actually) its time to:

- withdraw from iraq and afghanistan (although i think obama supports a "surge" there)
- close guantanamo
- cut defense spending by three-quarters
- normalize our relations with iran and syria
- stop giving israel a blank check
- investigate the use of torture, the invasion of iraq under false pretenses, unconstitutional expansions of executive power, etc.
- begin heavily regulating both the public and private sector for carbon dioxide emissions, fuel consumption, etc.

you know, basically repair the damage from the last 8 years

davej said...

I think Obama will actually pursue al quaeda in afghanistan and pakistan. I'm not crazy about it, but I'd prefer us to leave Iraq and go deal with al quaeda there... (obama has repeatedly called for responsible withdrawal from Iraq and took a lot of flak from McCain over "refusing to admit" that the surge had worked)

Surge was also the name of that awful Mtn Dew ripoff... blech! i'll have crab juice...