Tuesday, November 4, 2008

can we all agree

that after this election, we should round up all the nader and ron paul supporters and drown them?
i mean, christ, obama is down 17k votes in missouri and guess how many votes nader has there?


Joel Tonyan said...

i kind of go back and forth on the pragmatic vs. idealistic voting debate. of course i wanted obama to win and understood it would take as many votes as possible to ensure his victory. but i can also understood voting for the candidate who most mirrors your own principles, regardless of the likelihood of their victory.

also, our country desperately needs a third party to challenge the political hegemony of the republicans and democrats. two-party rule sucks.

Anonymous said...

Except for Obama, I voted green party across the board. Fuck Mark Pryor.

davej said...

joel, i totally agree - in principle - but unfortunately, our priniciples weren't consulted when they set up this two-party system.

within the bounds of the federal game we had to win, obama was the clear choice. i hope that while he a has a clear majority of Americans (and the globe) hanging on his every word, he'll use this machine to either dismantle and rebuild the Dem party or just launch a new party altogether...

what do you all think - hypothetically, if in a year or two, his admin has worked successfully on the issues dearest to you, would anyone else consider pledging loyalty to a new political party firmly rooted in his web campaign?

i think the best way (perhaps the only effective way) to inject our own sensibilities into the Dem party is to infiltrate them. its far from ideal, but the system is what it is for now, and taking over the left-most party seems to be the only way to get things done.

No One said...

i guess i'm not positive if obama will proceed with politics as usual, or if there is some truth to his talk of change.

the democrats in the senate and house are a misguided, corrupt bunch. it will take some real determination to get this country back on the right track politically, not to mention the other factors (war, economics, failures in social services) that desperately need attention. i guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

unfortunately, there is a downside if one of the political parties splits: the opposing party has a greater opportunity to win. when the conservatives split into the progressive and republican parties in the 1912 election, it was democrat woodrow wilson who won.

davej said...

right now its a lovefest, but i hope the obama supporters who aren't the usual dem crowd will be vocal if he doesn't deliver. we need to hold ANY president accountable, and since this one might actually listen to the people...

similarly, i could imagine the far-right embracing Palin and doing their own Christ-meets-Ron Paul type of thing in 2012. YOU DON'T OWE ANYONE TAXES EXCEPT THE CROSS. ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE IS A RED HEATHEN.

Joel Tonyan said...

"right now its a lovefest, but i hope the obama supporters who aren't the usual dem crowd will be vocal if he doesn't deliver. we need to hold ANY president accountable, and since this one might actually listen to the people..."

although they haven't secured an absolute congressional majority, democrats will effectively control two-thirds of the government. they'd better start implementing some of the promises made over the last few years, namely free health care, withdrawal from iraq, some sort of investigation into the last 8 years...

i'll be convinced of their intentions if obama and congress roll back the bush administration's expansion of executive power, particularly the ability to conduct preemptive war, torture, opt out of international treaties when convenient... you know, generally being above the law.

i'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but if it's corruption as usual, i'll be pissed.

davej said...

"i'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but if it's corruption as usual, i'll be pissed."

absolutely. i hope with the final legislative majority they can look at prosecution. merkley took the oregon recount today... fingers crossed for franken

jake said...

as a 2000 nader voter, i see where everyone's coming from believe me. i think though, that the differences between the two candidates were clear enough and strong enough to provide a tolerable choice for all but the alex jones listening, ron paul backing types who just can't be convinced of anything because it's all a conspiracy.
and man, i've got so much invested in the obama presidency that i think i'll be more disappointed than ahyone if he fucks it up or pulls some dumb shit...

but can we please at least drown the ron paul supporters?

Joel Tonyan said...

"but can we please at least drown the ron paul supporters?"

done and done.