Tuesday, October 14, 2008

technology and music

dave brought up the impact of technology on music, which reminded me of the reactable. i've only ever heard of bjork actually using one in a non-academic setting, but god-damn could i think of some berserk shit to do with this.

1 comment:

davej said...

woah. I've never seen that in action before.

how long have those been around? some of the smooth effects addition and subtraction, filtering and time-bending sound very much like the material on homogenic.

it would take devoting an entire musical project to it, because it's something of a solo instrument. it almost requires a loose song form and written/memorized plan to get musical results from it.

i'd love to perform on one of those as a soloist or in a small group doing improvised electronica. maybe a trio with a reactor, vocalist, and multi-instrumentalist