Monday, November 17, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

health care proposal gets attention, does not create an NHS

Sen Baucus' proposal includes (from MarketWatch):

Create a new health insurance exchange that would guarantee coverage for individuals and small businesses. They could compare prices between private health plans and a new public option similar to Medicare and use a standardized form to enroll in coverage. Some individuals and small businesses would be eligible for subsidies to offset the cost.

Allow people age 55 to 64 to buy in to Medicare immediately instead of having to wait for their 65th birthday to be eligible

Phase out the two-year waiting period that people with disabilities face when applying for Medicare coverage

Require states to make the state children's health insurance program (SCHIP) available to children at or below 250% of the federal poverty level

Require most employers to make coverage available to their workers or pay into a fund

Require drugmakers and medical device companies to disclose the gifts they bestow on doctors and other providers in an effort to root out bias and conflicts of interest
Invest in health information technology and comparative effectiveness research

We just watched Sicko a couple of weeks ago and until we form an equivalent to Britian's National Health Service, I'm not letting them take my temperature...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

obama's first week - tawlk amungst yuhselves...

c-span video of obama's press conference friday. gov. granholm from MI, biden, emanuel (in the house!) to explore legislating - one can only hope - carrot and sticking detroit to put Americans to work making electric cars post-haste.


he spoke broadly answering the question of exactly what his first priorities would be on friday, but he did mention specifically that the country couldn't continue to hemorrhage jobs before his inaguration without that affecting the game.

taking an assuringly more ambitious tone, rahm emanuel suggested on cbs this morning that the combination of the economic meltdown and the momentum of president-elect's victory suggests it's a ripe time to try and address BOTH energy independence and health care to stimulate job creation, and generally ease the suffering of taxpayers to save the economy.

-- --

i'm off to find his first weekly radio address for more clues...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

so here's a forum

it's pretty plain, but it's free.
recorded sound forum
i don't know how to be administrator for such a thing, so if i suck at it, give me a minute..

Friday, November 7, 2008

moonlight feels right and the law of diminishing returns


japanese pop cover:

old man at bar karaoke version:

young shirtless man siniging along to original on webcam:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

sing it.

Fayetteville Potheads FTW

As much as there is to bitch about the backwoods mentality of Arkansas, the city of Fayetteville actually passed -- 2:1 -- an initiative that makes adult marijuana offenses (less than an ounce, intended for personal use) the lowest law enforcement priority. Lowest priority initiatives have already passed in six California cities (Oakland, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Monica, West Hollywood), Seattle, Denver, Columbia, Missouri; Hailey, Idaho; and Missoula County, Montana.

The question is will Fayetteville police actually abide by the initiative? The police chief says no, stating that city laws do not supersede state laws. BUT it is a good first step -- especially in a college town where getting caught with a small amount of marijuana can destroy your chances of receiving any kind of financial aid including student loans and in a state where two offenses is an automatic felony.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

can we all agree

that after this election, we should round up all the nader and ron paul supporters and drown them?
i mean, christ, obama is down 17k votes in missouri and guess how many votes nader has there?

i, for one, will welcome our gay muslim black marxist overlords

who's drinking?
Olive pits next in line for ethanol subsidies

Sunday, November 2, 2008

We Proudly Endorse John McCain for President

And we steal our endorsement 100% from Ken Layne of Wonkette fame:

This first decade of the 21st Century has not been very good for America. We have been terrorized at home, humiliated in war, humbled by Asia, surpassed by Europe, invaded by Mexico and laughed at by Canada.

We are also so much sicker and sadder and poorer than we were eight years ago.

The question, on November 4, is this: Are we man enough, as a nation, to admit things are just going to keep getting worse? Can we finally grimace into our national mirror and admit that we need someone to finish the job? Then let's make John McCain, and then Sarah Palin, our president(s). Let's do this right!

Experts say the United States is like a bus full of enraged cows teetering on the edge of a sea cliff, with swarms of bloodthirsty sharks circling the waters below. Tragically, the frightened and confused livestock are unable to tilt the bus over the cliff by themselves.

We can't afford to prolong the misery. We can't afford to elect some pie-in-the-sky character who appeals to our better instincts. We can't afford to put aside ignorance and poverty.

We need to be pushed over that ledge.

John McCain was once a well-regarded senator with a dramatic personal history. He was admired by most Americans, and everyone loved his bawdy stories and how he constantly screamed at other senators and then had to write notes apologizing for his insane behavior. Nobody cared when he abandoned his children and his first wife, after she was crippled. He was a Maverick, after all, and Mavericks love adultery. Mavericks have no morals. They are free, like the wind.

Over his three decades in Washington, John McCain has stuck to his ideals, which are "take everything you can get from lobbyists" and "make your second wife buy mansions and luxury cars for you, because you are a Maverick."

But at least he has spent a very long time in Washington, at cocktail parties. Also, he loves to have wars. Do you love getting into wars and then losing them? John McCain is your man. He dropped bombs on people in a war, against Vietnam, and that was a very big war that America lost! Some say we've never recovered from that debacle.

Lest we mistake McCain's three decades in Washington for a steady temperament and lifetime of experience, John McCain picked some random idiot to be his vice-presidential nominee because she looked good on the teevee, until we heard her voice. So you don't have to worry about McCain having a group of professional advisers to guide his administration or, god forbid, set a sane course should he expire of old age while in office. If Sarah Palin doesn't nuke various U.S. states she's never heard of -- watch out, "New" Mexico! -- she'll surely start nuclear wars with Russia and China.

And then we'll be gone, just a smoldering 3,000-mile-wide wasteland of radioactive skeletons. It's sad, sure, but you can't say we didn't have it coming.

Make a difference. Fight the future. Vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

on my way to portland

and i got a fooking runny nose. god damn it anyway.
you know where to get kleenexes once yr inside the gate?
fucking nowhere!

edit: also th lady next to me is reading 'i can has cheezburger'

burn america burn!

edit: also she's wearing sock and sandals.
black socks!

has been releases book, won't shut mouth

shatner's losing all my respect.

sincerely, has been is a hilarious and wonderful album. airplane 2? c'mon!but he makes the most outlandish arrogant statements, and he's fucking william shatner! who does he think he is, patrick stewart?!

first he's trashing takei and homosexuals at large on conan, then apparently on his website complaining (in a video!) that he was not invited to the wedding. pretty crass, as most of the cast have revealed in interviews that they all collectively hate him and politely pretented not to talk behind his back for decades while they all worked together. he's also bitching to CNN that he's not in the new movie (which takes place when they're all young, i believe), and when i went to his website to check out the infamous video, it turns out he's plugging a book. stirring up boring-ass, star trek drama to keep his name in people's minds to prop up book sales.

oh, and greenspan concedes his free-market BULLSHIT was wrong

picture yourself... in a boat. on - a river...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

because you know it's true:

chimpanzee that-Portland's Monkey News!

unread message: you've got chlamydia lol :>)

eugene jarecki on daily show

the 'why we fight' author has a new book about the danger of destroying what's left of our society from within by trying to protect it from all conceivable threats.

he reminds us that the "forces that decide whether or not we go to war" don't care who is in the White House -- a wake-up call I don't need until after Nov 4

anyway - good interview on frontpage. anyone have the book yet?

Monday, October 20, 2008


what's yr address so i can ship my crap there?

because disenfranchising foreclosure victims is the height of patriotism

An agreement announced today by Obama for America, the Republican National Committee, the Democratic National Committee, the Michigan Republican Party, the Michigan Democratic Party, the Macomb County Republican Party, the Macomb County Democratic Party, and plaintiffs Duane Maletski, Sharon Lopez, and Frances M. Zick protects the voting rights of foreclosure victims. The settlement acknowledges the existence of an illegal scheme by the Republicans to use mortgage foreclosure lists to deny foreclosure victims their right to vote. This settlement has the force of law behind it and ensures that Republicans cannot disenfranchise families facing foreclosure.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

100,000 people see obama in st louis

here's st louis:

here's kc:

this is kc. pat and james and kim and i are in this crowd, a short distance in front of the gigantic american flag. i can't estimate how many people were there; a fucking ton is as close as i can gauge though i don't think it was near 100k.
the speech wasn't too different than the stump speech he's been giving for a while now, but i have to say that hearing him at an event like this, surrounded with thousands of other like-minded people was honestly a pretty intense and incredible experience. we didn't even catch a glimpse of the man himself; we just stared at a speaker. it was crowd crowd crowd as far as the eye could see.
really cool.

edit: initial estimates for turnout at the kc rally is around 75k+.

edit: here's another shot from kc. even having been there i had no idea how massive this was.

I met the Walrus

Obama in KC today

anyone else going? kim james and i are trying to get there around 2. i think dj is coming too.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Halloween party?

Glitter Graphics

Hey, I made a blinger.

Any good Halloween parties going down in Kansas City this year?
I don't know where to go now that Joel and Katie live in...uh...fuckin' know, Ohio or whatever.

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

Personalized Glitter Graphics

real live zoidberg not so cute

everyone make a blingee! quick!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

wait, now she's just smearing his qualifications

Palin at a rally the morning after joe the plumber's big night...

"We want to cut taxes because we think like Joe or Jane the plumber thinks," she said. "Our opponents want to raise taxes because they think like that other Joe, that six-term senator from Delaware whom I'm running against," she said of Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential candidate.


since when is pointing out you opponent's experience in government supposed to take them down a notch? answer: when your own lack of experience is so clearly sinking the ticket that it's comical.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i hate this guy.

Myspace Glitter Graphics

i tried to watch the last debate

but every time mccain speaks it makes me want to tear at my own flesh with my teeth.
am i missing anything?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

technology and music

dave brought up the impact of technology on music, which reminded me of the reactable. i've only ever heard of bjork actually using one in a non-academic setting, but god-damn could i think of some berserk shit to do with this.

oh, chimpanzee that; MONKEY NEWS!

Karl Pilkington's got a head like a fucking orange!

music is good-at times mystical, but i can't get out of bed these days without my dose of the ricky gervais show - 5 series of podcasts and a bucket of recordings of the XFM radio show broadcast in the UK. anyone else hooked on stories about Ricky's early days in a glam band, The Office and Extras co-creator Stephen Merchant's nerdy romantic enterprises, or bald Manc twat Karl Pilkington's philosophies about ridding the world of "useless" animals?

Exhibit A)
Karl on jellyfish:
"they're 97% water. just give em another 3% and make em water."

because you fuckers need to respect acid house

edit: because you fuckers need to respect detroit acid house.

Pete and Pete

Jake, please tell me you have this show on DVD and will loan it to us. I've been looking for it at the library but no dice.

Monday, October 13, 2008

not even the horrible sound of children laughing

can spoil this track from snowflake midnight by mercury rev.
dave is right and who knew? th rev should've been a dance act all along.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

BMG beach breakfast

10 free BMG discs arrived the other day like so many winter fruits and nuts...

the selection is abysmal of course, but there are re-releases of stuff like Daydream Nation and Straight Outta Compton, and jazz classics from Count Basie and Herbie and Astrud Gilberto

this morning I had some Beach Boys hits with breakfast. I am just as guilty as anyone of trying to shrug off the earlier pop stuff, but Help Me Rhonda, Be True to Your School, and about a half dozen other oldies reminded me how long before Pet Sounds Brian Wilson was able to inject space-aged chords into doo-wop forms.

plus motherfucking California Girls

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

the new mercury rev

is so much better than it has any right to be.
i mean, shouldn't the trajectory indicated by the last couple of albums have them most of the way into steely dan territory by now?

yakety sax rules

there's a sweet passion of the christ one too, but you have to sign in to watch it...
and there's a 9/11 one, but i'm still sort of kind of a Decent Human Being so i won't post that one...

usually I can't think of a costume, but there is much to fear...

I think this might be my costume in a few weeks. Add a gunshot wound or slit wrists and I'm a suicide/zombie McCain supporter. Jake, shall I make one for you if you want to get bloodied on the 31st?

deerhoof fucking destroys all other bands in the universe

and don't tell me I'm wrong.

at wonder ballroom the other night they eclipsed all my other favorite shows from this year. !!!, Battles, Built to Spill and Death Cab all played flawless sets, but Deerhoof has a combined level of precision and energy none of them really matched. at least this week, they did. I have enjoyed them live before, but ed rodriguez fills them out again and all the material from apple-o to today sounded so perfect. i don't know how many shows they've played with him, but he really gelled fast.

listening to tracks from the new one today and falling in love for the fourth of fifth time with them. what do yall think of the hoof?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

skipped watching the debate

and watched chris rock on hbo.
+1 for me i think.
what did i miss?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

there's a new mercury rev

how badly will it disappoint me?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

i cannot wait for tomorrow night

vote goat
Make your own Glitter Graphics

biden is going to crush her.
it'll be a bloodbath.

dear science,

seems like the album to beat this fall.
i wasn't that into their first two, but this one is tits.

apple threatens to shut down itunes music store

i'd be sweating it if i weren't a horrible thief.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

in the history of recorded bullshit

Poll Smokin'

let us not forget this moment in recent history. my god, these people make me sick. the obama campaign needs to use this image every chance they get (with or without the blingee).

Monday, September 29, 2008

bear mauled by self

Myspace Glitter Graphics

We can all breathe a little bit easier today — Bill Murray has given his blessing to Ghostbusters 3. When the update/reboot, to be penned by The Office's Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, was confirmed earlier this month, it was also announced that there'd be roles for the entire original cast. We weren't quite sure if Murray would be game, seeing as he's the only truly in-demand actor left in the bunch (with apologies to Ernie Hudson). But at Fantastic Fest yesterday, where he was to plug his new movie City of Ember, he sounded all for it: "The wounds from Ghostbusters 2 have healed," he said to big laughs. Murray also said that "the first forty minutes of Ghostbusters is about as funny as a movie gets."
-from some dumb website that i forget because it's not

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


What. The. Fuck.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

by popular demand, a talk talk post

so here's what's up with talk talk after talk talk:
mark hollis put out a self-titled solo album in 1998. after that he more or less retired, but did play piano on one track from psyence fiction by unkle. unfortunately, it's the pretty crappy song "chaos." he also produced and played on a pretty decent record called smiling and waving by anja garbarek in 2001.
paul harris and lee webb went on to form a group called .o.rang whose records are nearly impossible to find. they're probably pretty decent on their own, but when you spend four or five months trying to track them down, they tend to disappoint. they're kind of in the same spirit instrumentally as spirit of eden but a little more world music-y. if i still have them are i'll upload them to you-send-it so you can judge for yourself. they both played with beth gibbons on out of season which i'm guessing you guys already have around. if not, it's pretty decent.
lee harris played drums on bark psychosis' excellent codename dustsucker which you should seek out immediately. according to wikipedia he played with a group called midnight choir, but i've never heard that. i'll let you know if the inevitable obsessive searching turns anything up.
paul webb produced an album by somebody named james yorkston in 2006. i've never heard it but for some reason i really doubt its any good.
tim friese-greene, the unofficial fourth member, records under the name heligoland. i've long been searching for his records, but the cover art looks super-crappy.

the best album for fall?

today my vote goes to odessey and oracle by the zombies.

is a video of a perfromance of 'brief candles' from the reunion tour they did last year to celebrate the 40th (!) anniversary of the ablum.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

more spot the sample

the drum loop.
it really is a bummer the unkle album didn't turn out better.
ah well.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You're wild, man....WIIIILLLLLD!

Maybe you all have heard it already, but here it is anyways just in case.
Venom live at City Gardens in Jersey, music cut out, just between-song-banter.

how did we miss carl craig?

in all of our mid-to-late 90s dance fetishizing, we managed to overlook one of the finest electronic records ever made: carl craig's more songs about food and revolutionary art. it was released in 1997, so it's contemporaneous with orblivion and homework. it's sort of a strange amalgam of ambient-house, jazz (but not even a little in a chees or acid-jazz way), and berlin-style coldness.

also check out programmed under craig's innerzone orchestra alias and his recent detroit experiment album.

Monday, September 15, 2008

richard wright = dead

i've long said that wright was the true draw of this band. the piano in this song (and the keyboards on this album in general) prove it. this band didn't succeed -after barret - because of roger waters or david gilmour, but rather in spite of them.
this video is pretty cheese dick, but it does contain the original piano piece that became us and them, a piece of unused incidental music from the 'violent sequence' in zabriske point.

also, one of the 'related videos' is 'real compton g's' by eazy-e.

the klf burn a million quid

man. i love this band. i don't care. the actual burning goes down about halfway through the second video.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

david foster wallace

hung himself. which is a drag.i never read any of the big stuff, just little pieces of 'girl with the curious hair'
here's what he had to say about mccain recently after having written a fairly positive essay about him in 2000:
David Foster Wallace, author of the novel "Infinite Jest," was asked by Rolling Stone magazine to cover John McCain's presidential campaign in 2000. That assignment became a chapter in his essay collection "Consider the Lobster" (2005); the essay has now been issued as a stand-alone book, "McCain's Promise." In a phone interview, Mr. Wallace said he came away from the experience marveling at "how unknowable and layered these candidates are." Mr. Wallace also answered questions via email about presidential hopefuls, the youth vote and smiley faces.
[david foster wallace]
Marion Ettlinger

WSJ: So why would a novelist want to travel around on a campaign bus?

Mr. Wallace: What made the McCain idea interesting to me, was that I'd seen a tape of his appearance on Charlie Rose at some point the previous year, in which he spoke so candidly and bluntly about stuff like campaign finance and partisan ickiness, stuff I'd not heard any national-level politician say. There was also the fact that my own politics were about 179 degrees from his, so there was no worry that I'd somehow get seduced into writing an infomercial.

WSJ: Have you changed your mind about any of the points that you made in the book?

Mr. Wallace: In the best political tradition, I reject the premise of your question. The essay quite specifically concerns a couple weeks in February, 2000, and the situation of both McCain [and] national politics in those couple weeks. It is heavily context-dependent. And that context now seems a long, long, long time ago. McCain himself has obviously changed; his flipperoos and weaselings on Roe v. Wade, campaign finance, the toxicity of lobbyists, Iraq timetables, etc. are just some of what make him a less interesting, more depressing political figure now—for me, at least. It's all understandable, of course—he's the GOP nominee now, not an insurgent maverick. Understandable, but depressing. As part of the essay talks about, there's an enormous difference between running an insurgent Hail-Mary-type longshot campaign and being a viable candidate (it was right around New Hampshire in 2000 that McCain began to change from the former to the latter), and there are some deep, really rather troubling questions about whether serious honor and candor and principle remain possible for someone who wants to really maybe win. I wouldn't take back anything that got said in that essay, but I'd want a reader to keep the time and context very much in mind on every page.

WSJ: You write that John McCain, in 2000, had become "the great populist hope of American politics." What parallels do you see between McCain in 2000 and Barack Obama in 2008?

Mr. Wallace: There are some similarities—the ability to attract new voters, Independents; the ability to raise serious money in a grassroots way via the Web. But there are also lots of differences, many too obvious to need pointing out. Obama is an orator, for one thing—a rhetorician of the old school. To me, that seems more classically populist than McCain, who's not a good speechmaker and whose great strengths are Q&As and small-group press confabs. But there's a bigger [reason]. The truth—as I see it—is that the previous seven years and four months of the Bush Administration have been such an unmitigated horror show of rapacity, hubris, incompetence, mendacity, corruption, cynicism and contempt for the electorate that it's very difficult to imagine how a self-identified Republican could try to position himself as a populist.

WSJ: In the book, you talk about why many young people are turned off by politics. What do you think could get young people to the voting booth this election?

Mr. Wallace: Well, it's a very different situation. If nothing else, the previous seven years and four months have helped make it clear that it actually matters a whole, whole lot who gets elected president. A whole lot. There's also the fact that there are now certain really urgent, galvanizing problems—price of oil, carbon emissions, Iraq—that are apt to get more voters of all ages and education-levels to the polls. For more interested or sophisticated young voters, there are also the matters of the staggering rise in national debt and off-the-books war-funding, the collapse of the dollar, and the grievous damage that's been done to all manner of consensuses about Constitutional protections, separation of powers, and U.S. obligations under international treaties.

speaking of ffwd

i didn't realise until i read the allmusic bio, but thomas fehlmann was a contributor. if you haven't heard his stuff, i highly recommend visions of blah on kompakt. he's been a frequent orb collaborator, most notably on okie dokie it's the orb on kompakt. he was also involved with sun electric, though i don't know if he had much to do with the music. good stuff. now he's all old:

after reading his bio at his official site ( it looks like he's the reason pomme fritz and orbus terrarum sound similar to ffwd. he was heavily involved with the recording of all three.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

fun fact

the kick drum sound from 'closer' by nine inch nails is, in fact, sampled from 'nightclubbing' by iggy pop.

maybe i'm behind the curve

this record came out last year. i've had it for a few months and haven't really given it much play until lately. kind of perfect for rainy weather at the end of summer.

burial - archangel
from untrue

Thursday, September 11, 2008

explain m.i.a. to me

why is she good? i don't get it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

magnets and resonance

dub not dub

how far do th bounds of dub stretch? i think there's a case to be made that any of these fit:

bark psychosis - absent friend

fishmans - nightcruising

burial - ghost hardware (note: don't listen to it on laptop speakers; you'll miss half the song)

tortoise - galapagos

sub oslo - celestial penetration
so what is it?
the spring reverb?
the tape echo?
the upstroke?

is this good or not?

i can't decide.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

inagural blogural

here's a blog about music we like right this second.