Wednesday, October 1, 2008

dear science,

seems like the album to beat this fall.
i wasn't that into their first two, but this one is tits.


Patrick said...

Ok. I'll have to check it out. I didn't like Return To Cookie Mountain very much at all.

Joel Tonyan said...

the first two were "eh", not bad but didn't blow me away. this one is garnering oodles of praise tho, so i'll check it out.

also, the next post you make should be the "10 best albums of the year so far." since 90% of my time is now devoted to school, i can feel my new music awareness slipping away. please enlighten me as to what i should be listening to from this year, as outside of the new beck, badu, portishead, ratatat, roots, wire ep, and the ruby suns, i'm at a loss.

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed their first EP, fortunately the new one isn't completely saturated in a thousand layers of sludge like the last two.