Wednesday, October 1, 2008

i cannot wait for tomorrow night

vote goat
Make your own Glitter Graphics

biden is going to crush her.
it'll be a bloodbath.


Anonymous said...

i admit, i was scared when they were hyping the shit out of this woman at the beginning of september. joel and i were discussing that a major crisis would have to happen either on american soil or on one of the stages of our multi-theater war to show how unqualified and irrational this woman is. alas, she didn't need the crash on wall street or the never-ending saga in the middle east. she just had to open her mouth and spew her useless, canned, puppet drivel to the easiest interviewers in the media for two-thirds of the american population to realize she is a bumbling idiot (one socially conservative men are her only backers these days). despite how much i hate this woman, i'm going to watch the debate tonight. and maybe participate in the wonkette palin-biden drinking game.

Joel Tonyan said...

i dunno about biden destroying palin. she's an idiot who can see russia from her house, but biden has serious foot-in-mouth disease. i predict they'll both implode on stage.

jake said...

how great is wonkette? i fucking love it.