Monday, October 13, 2008

not even the horrible sound of children laughing

can spoil this track from snowflake midnight by mercury rev.
dave is right and who knew? th rev should've been a dance act all along.


jake said...

or, just to pay devil's advocate, it could be that i have endless patience for ambient house and anything that sounds vaguely like it.

Joel Tonyan said...

it's pleasant enough and the melody's mildly interesting, but it seems a little formulaic. and yeah, i hear tinges of pomme fritz-era orb in there, too.

does the rest of the album sound like this? i've been too lazy/busy to grab it.

jake said...

i think you need to listen to it ON WEED.
th rest of th record is a similarly lowkey affair; barely a foot or snare to be found, but plenty of hihats and delay. very frosty and synth-y. some very vangelis moments as well.
works best in th dark and, yes it's true, whilst high.