Thursday, October 16, 2008

wait, now she's just smearing his qualifications

Palin at a rally the morning after joe the plumber's big night...

"We want to cut taxes because we think like Joe or Jane the plumber thinks," she said. "Our opponents want to raise taxes because they think like that other Joe, that six-term senator from Delaware whom I'm running against," she said of Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential candidate.


since when is pointing out you opponent's experience in government supposed to take them down a notch? answer: when your own lack of experience is so clearly sinking the ticket that it's comical.


Anonymous said...

speaking of qualifications, "joe the plumber" is a bit of a charlatan:

Anonymous said...

joe the plumber would only be affected if he made more than $250,000, which is not an average working class american wage -- he is rich at that point.

jake said...

how can anyone vote for a man who has to tuck his excess neck skin into his shirt collar?
according to the median income for a plumber in the u.s. is 37,000. not bad, but a far stretch from 250k. plumbers in the top 75th percentile make 44k.
in case yr like me and too lazy to read the whole article that joel linked to, here's the important stuff:
His full name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. And he owes a bit in back taxes.
Unlike some other states, Ohio does not have a formal statewide licensing system for plumbers. But the city of Toledo and other municipalities do, Mr. Joseph said, and Mr. Wurzelbacher has not met those requirements.

“All contractors are licensed, and he does not have a license, either as a contractor or a plumber,” the union official said, citing a search of government records. “I can’t find that he’s ever even applied for any kind of apprenticeship, and he has never belonged to local 189 in Columbus, which is what he claims on his Facebook page.”
And his question to Mr. Obama about paying taxes? According to some tax analysts, if Mr. Wurzelbacher’s gross receipts from his business is $250,000 — and not his taxable income — then he would not have to pay higher taxes under Mr. Obama’s plan, and probably would be eligible for a tax cut.

Mr. Wurzelbacher is registered to vote in Lucas County under the name Samuel Joseph Worzelbacher.

“We have his named spelled W-O, instead of W-U,” Linda Howe, executive director of the Lucas County Board of Elections, said in a telephone interview. “Handwriting is sometimes hard to read. He has never corrected it in his registration card.”

The records, she said, showed he voted Republican in the March primary.

davej said...

conservatives love to plant questions in these little packages.

like, 'here's a scenario with no truth to it at all. now accept this dishonest scenario, but tell me honestly how you would pull me out of this non-existant conundrum that you would have been responsible for if you were president...'

its just a nationally recognized case of the kind of ignorant "gotcha" shit they're always pulling at dem rallies and call-in shows.

i'm kind of glad this non-story of joe the plumber is gaining traction, because dems are at a natural disadvantage not screening detractors and critics out of their events and discussions.